MamyPoko Pants Extra Absorb Diaper, Medium (52 Count)

MamyPoko Pants Extra Absorb Diaper, Medium (52 Count)

WY BEST MamyPoko Pants Extra Absorb Diaper

It has crisscross absorbent sheet which absorbs 7 glasses of urine and spreads it evenly

Diaper does not get heavy because urine does not get collected at one place because of its crisscross absorbent sheet
It has stretchable thigh support which prevents thigh gaps and hence prevents leakage

Its breathable cotton like cover prevents stuffiness even when used for long hours
It comes with cute poko chan designs; Compatible Baby Weight: 7 kg - 12 kg
It is easy to wear



Always use Mamy Poko, it is rash free and quality product. Best part is, if you compare with Huggies in this size, you can easily identify the size difference

Mamy poko is larger than Huggies. Both products are no doubt good but my first choice is Mamy Poko and second option is Huggies

Product information

MamyPoko Pants
Product information
Technical Details
Style: 52 
Size: Medium
Pattern: Diapers

Product wait
Minimum Weight Recommendation 7 Kilograms
Product Dimensions 12.2 x 25.4 x 34.5 cm

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